We have six excellent candidates for Chair-Elect, Treasurer, and Secretary for Area 6. You can find information about each of them at https://area6.handbellmusicians.org/front/2019-board-elections We thank each of them for being willing to have their name put in nomination.
Our Area votes via e-balloting. All members are encouraged to vote by logging in to Handbell Musicians of America at handbellmusicians.org. Input your Membership Number and password (or create a password if you need to). When the ballot is active, you will see a link once you log in. Our balloting will commence on July 15 and end on August 6. You’ll receive an email announcing that balloting is open. Please make sure that you vote.
Area 6 encourages all members to participate in a leadership role within the Area. It’s fun, engaging, and rewarding. If you’re interested in serving in any capacity, please contact any Board member.